
 Fort Hays State University

Chapter of Phi Kappa Phi

A Welcome Message from Dr Larry Gould, FHSU chapter president.

We celebrate academic excellence at FHSU in many ways.   A quick enumeration would include: the Honors College, the Kansas Academy of Mathematics and Science, the Dean’s List issued every semester and the awarding of individual student scholarships to name some of the more prominent.  Similarly, faculty are eligible for the Pilot Award for outstanding teaching, the President’s Distinguished Scholar Award for research, advising recognition and the Provost’s Service Learning Award.  But the pathway to excellence is more than just a semester’s grade point average or a teaching award.  Excellence is a sustained commitment to lifelong learning and a willingness to share the fruits of that process in public service and the greater good.

PKP’s mission is to recognize and celebrate those individuals who make this sustained commitment to learning.  Your local chapter has been around since 1954 and has recognized literally hundreds of FHSU alumni and faculty for their contributions and commitment.  We’d love to have you as a part of this community to celebrate what you have achieved.

Why is this recognition and celebration of academic excellence so important? First, when you don’t celebrate your accomplishments, you are denying yourself the opportunity to use the psychology of success to move your learning to the next level….and keep in mind, FHSU wants to celebrate what you have done to add to its own institutional success.  Second, using PKP to gain recognition creates the benefit of joining an expanding circle of individuals who serve as a network of accomplished peers.  Finally, PKP wants you to take advantage of your academic accomplishments to position yourself for the next cycle of success.  Call it the “momentum of celebration”, but it can only add to your improved psychology and new network.

As PKP helps you celebrate your success, it can also provide new opportunities to extend your achievements at the local level.  By joining PKP, you can lead or participate in a variety of local chapter activities including book drives, support of a variety of academic events and sponsorship of public service initiatives.

I urge you to think about and explore the many advantages of a membership in PKP <>.  You won’t be sorry.  Should you have any questions or need further information about the value of local organizational membership, feel free to contact me, any of our officers or simply explore our web site.   For those of you who have become members, let me congratulate you.  We look forward to furthering your success!

Respectfully Yours,

Dr. Lawrence ‘Larry’ Gould, Chapter 065 President

Dr. Lawrence ‘Larry’ GouldChapter 065 President, AY2018-19 and AY2017-18

Dr. Lawrence ‘Larry’ Gould

Chapter 065 President